This project developed from an idea of the concept of falling and descent. Taking inspiration from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, a fairytale where young Alice falls down a rabbit hole and is forced to confront the realms of her imagination. In this library of thought, memory, and dream the project explores the realms of consciousness of the mind. Initial spaces invite the reader to be encompassed in thought. Familiar logic and conventions create an inviting space. Chronological spaces go from encompassing the reader in thought to fragmented and out of reach. As the dreamer descends deeper, their thoughts become disorganized and lose logic. They have to reach, jump , crawl and climb to access these deeper areas within the constructed space. These movements play on the playful nature of dreams and stories. The playfulness of scale is intentional as one experiences morphing and teleportation as the brain connects distant and present thoughts and memories to form the dreamscape leaving the dreamer with a lack of sense of place.
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